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Barracuda Email Security API Powershell Module

Barracuda's cloud spam filter service works really well, however as a MSP partner, they do not provide "good" reporting or methods of excluding aliases, shared mailboxes and distribution groups from billing. Their most recent API exposed a few useful endpoints making our lives easier. As always, the API documentation is not all that helpful. I set out on a mission to make a useful tool.


Install-Module BarracudaESSAPI
Import-Module BarracudaESSAPI

Get OAthtoken

$Oath = Get-ESSAuthToken -ClientID "YourID" -ClientSecret "YourSecret"

Get all partner tenant usage

Get-ESSPartnerConsumption -OauthToken $Oath -PartnerName "PartnerUserName"

Get individual tenant email addresses and exclusions

Get-ESSCompanyConsumption -OathToken $Oath -Company "CompanyUserName"

Add email address to exclusion list

Add-ESSExclusion -OauthToken $Oath -Company "CompanyUserName" -User ""

Remove email address from exclusion list

Remove-ESSExclusion -OauthToken $Oath -Company "CompanyUserName" -User ""

Github Repository for the project.

Barracuda ESS API Powershll Module